Translation and localisation
Since 2002, ALPHABETS has become a leading player on the translation market.
Whatever the language combination, your area of business and the field of your materials, and whatever the medium and context, we work in line with your environment and specifications.
Your satisfaction is our priority!
Detailed preliminary appraisal
Before undertaking a project, ALPHABETS carries out a thorough appraisal designed to optimise performance, set up a detailed work schedule and establish a fair price estimate.
Wordcount isn’t the only factor we consider. We also appraise the reference documents and the translation memories (TMs) available, and analyse the time required to deal with the terminology, the editorial particulars and any additional processing operations such as conversions, window resizing, etc.
We also take project-related particulars into account: content types, objectives and targets, materials and formats to process, software and tools to be used, constraints in terms of character string length, deadlines, etc.
Our prices are based on the actual time we think we need to spend to optimally complete a translation project in keeping with your requirements.

An in-house team working with an international network of professional partners
To make sure the projects we deal with meet your specifications, we rely on our in-house team and our network of professional translators we have developed over the years.
That way, the same people always deal with the same language combinations and our partners are as familiar with our customers, their products, projects and strategies as our in-house team.
Professional expertise, personal skills, attention to customer needs and a commitment to maintaining confidentiality: these are the qualities shared by all our translators.

Our team members are graduates of the top translation schools and colleges, highly qualified specialists working into their first or native language, with the full range of professional skills:
- in-depth knowledge of their working languages,
- proficiency in the use of different styles and language registers,
- the ability to conceptualise, summarise and popularise different types of content,
- an agile approach to software, programming languages and IT tools.
Our translators are convinced that customer interaction is the key to quality language services. They are therefore constantly attuned to your needs and ready to adapt to your specific requirements. They can provide customised advice on the best way to optimise the impact of your international projects.
They are all bound by the privacy clause in their employment or service agreement. They therefore naturally undertake to safeguard the confidential nature of the information and documents they are asked to translate, and can also sign a specific non-disclosure agreement (NDA) upon request.
Multiple language combinations

Approaching the international market? Need to communicate with someone who speaks a foreign language?
ALPHABETS covers any language combinations:
- English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Polish, Czech, Hungarian, or any other European language,
- We can also work with Russian, Turkish, Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean and many other of the world’s languages,
- Not forgetting Breton, Gallo, Catalan, and other regional languages.
In keeping with the professional code of conduct, translators work exclusively into their native language.
We also create and update terminology and phraseology databases specific to each customer for every language we process.
A wide array of areas and fields covered

Our teams have developed expertise in a wide range of industrial and business areas, enabling them to master field-specific terminology.
ALPHABETS operates in many different fields:
marketing, corporate communication, social media, new technology, IT, telecommunications, electronics, mechanical engineering, automotive industry, engineering, medical equipment, chemistry, biotechnology, agri-food industry, economics, finance, legal, administration, human resources, tourism, culture, arts, etc.
In practice, for each customer we create one or more bespoke translation memories that we populate over time, helping us to guarantee consistency between projects and to reduce translation time.
Ultimately, the quality of our services is optimised and deadlines are shorter, which helps to build the long-term partnership that we try to establish with each of our customers.
A wide array of documents and content

ALPHABETS can translate any type of document and content (print, web, audio, video or multimedia), including:
- Websites and web pages,
- Mass mailing contents, newsletters, magazines, publications, etc.,
- White papers, eBooks,
- Posts, blogs,
- Podcasts, videos, audiovisual content,
- Tourism-related, cultural and artistic documents, mediation media,
- Articles and press releases,
- Business documentation, brochures, flyers,
- Catalogues, brochures, product data sheets,
- Packaging,
- Calls for tenders, specifications,
A wide range of media and formats

With our wide array of tools and optimisation solutions developed by our IT specialists and engineers, we seamlessly blend in with your working environment and process your projects using your own materials and software: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, InDesign, Illustrator, etc.
We also use all types of formats and files, including html, sgml, xml, dita, xliff, etc.
That way, the translations we deliver have the same layout as the source document without having to resort to CAD processing, leading to shorter deadlines and lower rates.
What about transcreation?
Transcreation – or creative adaptation – aims to replicate the effect of the source material in the translation, while allowing for some editorial leeway to ensure that the message takes into account the target audience’s language register and cultural background.
In this case, the idea is not to produce a faithful translation of a source material, which might miss the connotations and effect on the target audience, but to focus on the implicit message the author is trying to convey and its original purpose.
To this end, our transcreation experts rely on your brief and carry out an adaptation process which can sometimes involve “reengineering” the message for the target market so it will generate the same impact. This process covers anything that is likely to “blur” the message and produce possible negative effects such as local cultural references, puns and other non- translatable phrases, inappropriate symbols and markers, etc.