Technical writing and training material authoring

Putting your technical documentation and training materials in the hands of specialists is key to your business strategy.

You can’t find the time?
You’re too busy developing your own projects and software?
Technical writing is not your cup of tea and it’s not part of your professional remit?
So why don’t you call on the skills of our technical writers and copywriters?

What types of document and which languages?

Whether it’s writing from scratch or updating existing materials, we can draft a wide range of documents for all kinds of different purposes, in French and English:

  • User documents
    Online help, installation manuals, quick start guides (QSG), user manuals (UM), user guides, instructions, etc.
  • Maintenance documents
    Maintenance manuals, troubleshooting procedures, troubleshooting guides, etc.
  • Business documents
    Presentations, catalogues, product data sheets, etc.
  • Training materials
    Training scripts, training booklets, training materials, etc.

What approach do we adopt?
What added value can we offer?

As we are fully aware that your documentation is an integral part of your sales and product strategy, our approach is based on addressing this specific issue.

Our services always depend on close cooperation with your teams.
Our copywriters work together with your design offices, development teams, training officers and stakeholders. They collect any useful information and monitor the project’s progress.

A user-oriented approach.
Our teams favour pragmatic, intuitive methods over a purely technical approach. They always try to see things from the end user’s perspective, thus providing real added value through their insight.

Well designed and impactful documentation is what we strive to produce.
Our copywriters always take into account the context in which the documents they generate or update are used. They prioritise the information and always make sure to adapt the editorial style and vocabulary – or terminology – to the target audience.

Contact us for a documentary audit!

Need to optimise your document organisation and drafting processes?
Need advice on how to organise your document base?

After appraising your needs and your current organisation, ALPHABETS will suggest solutions and help you put them into action.

Our recommendations cover areas such as:

  • Documentation creation and life cycle
    Identifying copywriters, proofreaders and final-eye approvers, identifying human resources, selecting the right IT tools, designing project tree structures, naming files and folders, defining the drafting and proofreading processes, defining version and update management processes, defining the archiving methods, determining access and circulation procedures, etc.
  • Content and drafting management
    Defining the volume of material to be drafted, organising the information, implementing legibility improvement procedures, applying minimalist writing principles, choosing the appropriate style and register, applying user-oriented copywriting principles, checking grammar, syntax and spelling, etc.