Editorial and language support
Having your strategic content proofread and edited will boost your company’s reputation for excellence.
Need a specialist to proofread your website or posts before they go online?
Need an expert to check your business documents?
Need a hand to make your style more impactful?
Need a fresh pair of eyes for your documents before they are circulated inside and outside your company?
ALPHABETS is there to help you!
What types of contents and in what languages?
Whatever your documents, ALPHABETS processes your documents in French, English and in many other languages:
- press releases,
- web pages and whole websites, newsletters, blog articles and other social media contents,
- business presentations, catalogues, product data sheets, technical documentation,
- business proposals, call for tender bids, business exchanges,
- training materials,
- annual reports,
- meeting minutes,
- memos, internal communication,
- … and more generally any content designed to be circulated inside and outside your company.
Procedures and solutions tailored to your specific needs
We first assess your document, then discuss with you how best to meet your specific requirements.
We then suggest possible revisions that might encompass one or more of the following services:
- spelling, grammar and syntax correction,
- checking for terminology and phraseology consistency,
- stylistic improvement,
- information summarising or development,
- reorganisation,
- rewriting.
We also decide with you how to implement the changes:
- by adding comments to your Word or PDF document, which you are free to accept or reject,
- by using “track changes” in your Word document, which you can then accept or reject,
- by incorporating the changes directly in your document and delivering the original along with edited version, so that you can see the changes made.
And, naturally...
In keeping with our values, professionalism and commitment:
- we safeguard the confidentiality of your materials,
- you retain ownership of your materials, even after the editing process.