Language coaching

Need a bespoke language training module to rapidly ramp up your foreign language skills?

ALPHABETS provides a customised coaching service with training courses tailored to your profile and job-specific requirements, to help you handle your international business communication stress-free.
Don’t let language be an obstacle when dealing with overseas partners!

Foreign languages in the workplace

Boost your career and your professional opportunities with ALPHABETS’ bespoke language training services.

Available languages

Our core customised coaching service covers English, German, Spanish and Italian.

However, please let us know if you require any other language. We will appraise your request and, no doubt, find a solution for your specific needs.


Depending on your job and the language uses you come across on a daily basis (phone calls, videoconferencing, e-mails, social media, podcasts, oral presentations, letters, miscellaneous written contents, etc.), our training sessions will put the focus on one or more of the following skills:

  • Listening,
  • Speaking,
  • Reading,
  • Writing.

Target audience

Our training courses are aimed at anyone who wants to brush up their basic skills or improve their proficiency in English, German, Spanish, Italian or other languages.

They will be particularly useful if you regularly:

  • make phone calls,
  • take part in meetings, videoconferences, trade fairs, symposiums and other international events,
  • need to write contents,

in any of these languages.

Course contents

Because our language coaching is mainly based on personalised learner-centred sessions, we don’t offer standard predefined courses.

Before defining the contents of your training course with you, we conduct a preliminary audit to appraise your language skills, objectives, timeline and availability.


– Language training that is entirely based on your everyday professional experience:

  • Preliminary audit to make sure the course will meet your specific needs, whatever the subject area,
  • Practical work based on your job-specific particulars and/or your own professional materials,

– A fun and interactive approach to create an ideal learning environment.
Whatever the course, there’s always an element of fun involved!

Training resources

Our aim is to make you feel comfortable, both with the learning methods and with the resources we use.


Our experienced professional language coaches are fully dedicated to their job and strive to make you feel at home with the language!

Fully attuned to your job-specific needs, they know how to adapt the pace to each individual and create a relaxed learning environment.

Training methods

Our training methods are a blend of hard work and fun.

They use procedures and materials that are:

  • tailored to each trainee’s needs and learning abilities,
  • specifically based on the preliminary audit.

Practical details

Need further information on our individually tailored language training courses?

Duration, dates and schedules

As our language coaching sessions are learner-centred end-to-end, their duration and schedule are not set in stone. They depend on each learner’s pace and abilities and on the outcome of the preliminary audit in terms of needs, availability and objectives.


In order to optimise the learning process, our sessions are person-to-person, preferably on ALPHABETS’ premises:
Campus de Ker Lann
Parc de Lormandière
Rue Maryse Bastié – Bât. D
F-35170 BRUZ

We can also organise the sessions on your own premises if it is more convenient.


Interested in customised language coaching?
Contact us via e-mail at, or call us on +33 (0)2 99 05 00 02.